Signed in as:
Would you like to meet other campers and make new friends? Do you want to travel and explore new places? Then, The North American Family Campers Association, Inc. (NAFCA) is for you.
Since 1957, NAFCA has brought people together, from all over New England and beyond, in the fun and fellowship of family camping.
NAFCA has local chapters all over New England, one in Canada, and one that meets in Florida in the winter months. These chapters plan year ‘round activities from camping in the summer to meetings and parties in the colder months. Each of the New England states has a coordinating committee that plans events to bring together the chapters from their state.
The national level of NAFCA plans a Spring Safari in May for all NAFCA members to attend. In July, a week long vacation is held. This fun filled week has planned tours, excursions, and entertainment. In the past, we have visited Washington D.C., Pennsylvania Dutch Country, the White Mountains, Niagara Falls, Canada, and many other great areas.
NAFCA is an all-volunteer organization made up of people just like you. Our common bond is our love of camping. We welcome all kinds of camping units from tents to diesel pushers. Our members are single or married, young and old or in between. We have no requirements for the number of meetings or campouts to attend, and you don’t have to belong to a chapter. However, by belonging to a chapter, you will meet new people, make lasting friendships, and have more events from which to choose.
Contact us today to receive more information. We would love to share our organization with you so you can enjoy more while camping with NAFCA!
CARE - We will care how we camp by
being considerate of others in our
campground manners.
CAUTION - We will use caution in the
use of camping equipment both on the
road and at the campsite. We will
handle fire and inflammable fuels so as
not to endanger others or ourselves. We
will improve our camping skills,
knowing the right way is the safest way.
COURTESY - We will practice polite-
ness because it is the soothing oil which
enhances the camping experience. We
will respect the privacy of others,
control our children, leash and pick up
after our dog. We are never so sensitive
to others as when camping - that is why
courtesy is so important.
CLEANLINESS - We will be clean in
our camping habits and teach our
children the importance of cleanliness.
We will pick up litter no matter who left
it and be proud of the campsites we
leave behind.
COOPERATION - We will observe
the letter and spirit of camping regula-
tions and the rules established to protect
our enjoyment of the outdoors. Since
camping at its best is sharing, we will
work cooperatively with others to make
it better for everyone.
CONSERVATION - We will protect
the environment in which we enjoy
camping and help those whose job it is
to guard and wisely manage our coun-
try’s natural resources. We will endeav-
or to leave a better outdoors for those
who will follow us.
COMMON SENSE - We will apply
common sense to every situation,
knowing that reason, understanding and
humor make camping better for
ourselves and others. We will practice
the 7Cs Campers Code of Ethics as the
basic rules of more pleasant outdoor